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Shy Guy

Give me strength to speak my mind,
What I have felt for so long.
Yes... the rumors are true,
Yes... I have a crush on you.

From the day we met... from your first word,
I have struggled against my heart.
No longer can I deny what I feel,
Now I want to make my dreams become real.

I have watched you from afar,
Gazing upon thee with loving eyes.
I wish to have you in my arms to hold,
To keep you warm from the cold.

We have both lived hard lives,
Never knowing what tomorrow will bring.
But every day I want you to think of me,
For every day I think of thee.

Heaven on Earth... An impossible dream,
But a wish I do share.
Give me your heart... give me thy key,
I promise to make it warm, safe and happy.



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